Welcome to our parish
and visit our service in English language
New in Dresden?
Interested in a meeting for English- speaking Catholics at the University Hospital and TU Dresden?
Please check the download right ***NEW in Dresden***
Jesus said:
„Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.“
(Mt 11,28)
As Dresden located the Technical University as well as several high level research institutes in its southern district, Dresden-Plauen gives home to people from all around the world. Therefor Holy Mass is periodically celebrated in english at St Paulus Church.
Except for the summer holidays we celebrate Holy Mass in english every last Sunday of the month at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to join us and pray and sing with us to the Lord!
Pfarrei Selige Märtyrer vom Münchner Platz - Gemeinde St. Paulus, Bernhardstr. 42, 01187 Dresden
St. Paulus Church can be reached easily by public transportation: Bus 61 or Tram 8 to „Südvorstadt“. Walk Bernhardstr. direction south to the church. – Or take Tram 3 to „Münchner Platz“, following the street to Hübnerstr. and Bayreuther Str. to Bernhardstr.
Holy Mass in English – our next service: 23.02.2025 at 10:30 a.m.
*** NEW in Dresden ***
Dear friends oft he „New in Dresden“-meeting, dear sisters and brothers,
here is the poster with the planned meetings in English until August. You are very welcome! - and pass it on to others who might like to come. Or put it up where you work ... . Rebecca was kind enough to hand out a few simple black and white flyers at the last English service at St. Paul's. Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to March 21, when we can meet again - or even more people.
I would like to add something about the English service at St. Paul's: next time it will be on Easter Monday at 10:30 a.m. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to our first regular meeting: stay safe until then (and think about it: what can we call it if it's not "New in Dresden"?
A blessed Lent to all - best wishes from